progeCAD 18.0.6 Update Released

ScottDWG, IntelliCAD, progeCAD, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Released Update 18.0.6 for progeCAD 2018 progeCAD 2018 supports DWG 2018 and now sports Multileader as the new annotative object introduced with Update 18.0.6. And that’s just for a starter! progeCAD 2018 Update 18.0.6 with a few dozens of other fixes and improvements are awaiting your evaluation: Image Enjoy the new powerful feature added with Update 18.0.6: MULTILEADER Create your …

The Secret War on DWG

progeCAD IntelliCADApplication Programming Interface, ARX, AutoCAD, Autodesk, CAD, Computer-aided design, Download progeCAD, DWG, File format, IntelliCAD, ObjectARX, progeCAD, vertical applications Leave a Comment

There is a secret war over DWG, a war whose battle has been waging for over 10 years… Most customers believe that when they sit down and create a design that they can count on their CAD software to provide the ability to open, save, and edit their investments of time, money, sweat and tears. However, many may not understand …

progeCAD 2014 Professional Delivers DWG 2014, 3D PDF Conversion.

progeCAD IntelliCAD2d drawing, 3D model, 3D modeling, Applications, Architecture, AutoCAD, Autodesk, AutoLISP, CAD, CAD and CAM, Computer-aided design, Download progeCAD, DWG, hatch, hatch pattern, IntelliCAD, progeCAD Leave a Comment

Portland, Oregon, USA, January 31, 2014 – progeCAD USA, a leader in 2D/3D CAD software, has announced the release of progeCAD® 2014 Professional, the next major release of the proven AutoCAD® replacement Computer Aided Design software. ProgeCAD 2014 Professional, an alternative to high priced CAD systems such as AutoCAD®, allows designers to become productive immediately using a similar menu structure, …

Welcome to, drats foiled again?

progeCAD IntelliCAD"progeCAD 2010 Professional", AutoCAD, Autodesk, big bad wolf, Carl Bass, Download progeCAD, DWG, Google, great features, Greed, IntelliCAD, Mac Leave a Comment

So, I am somewhat of a visionary! Am too. I have been pushing AutoCAD for Mac (and AutoCAD for Linux for that matter) for quite a few years now. Autodesk never complained about it either, they enjoyed those checks rolling in with new customers who ran AutoCAD under Windows under Parallels under Mac OS X (cmon, keep up will ya?). …

IntelliCAD 7 Beta2 Release: Work Smarter and Faster with a Brand New Architecture

progeCAD IntelliCAD"progeCAD 2009 Professional", AutoCAD, Autodesk, AutoLISP, CAD, DWG, IntelliCAD, Programming, Visual Basic Leave a Comment

IntelliCAD 7 Beta2 Release: Work Smarter and Faster with a Brand New Architecture Latest version of popular IntelliCAD® CAD platform incorporates a new software architecture for improved compatibility, better performance and more power for custom application development. Portland, OR., USA, February 10, 2010 – The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced a Beta2 release for ITC members of the all-new …

Who Gave them the rights to my icon?

progeCAD IntelliCADAutodesk, CAD, Computer-aided design, Download progeCAD, DWG, IntelliCAD Leave a Comment

I was helping a customer today when he asked a question that is asked quite commonly by users involved with the constant struggle between good and evil, the dark and the light, the conservative vs. the liberal, the capitalist vs. the socialist. And it is a valid question, no doubt about that. But, since I have been working with computer …

Autodesk Executive Management Losers Once Again

progeCAD IntelliCADAutoCAD, Autodesk, Carl Bass, Computer-aided design, Computer-aided manufacturing, DWG, File format, IntelliCAD, US government Leave a Comment

As many of you may know Autodesk and the simple minds that run that company have been for ages pushing people around and making sure that no one steps out of line, including their customers. They have spent the better part of 20 years lying, cheating, manipulating, and trying their very best to insure that no one can possibly be …

progeSOFT Bats 1000 with latest release!

progeCAD IntelliCAD3d rotation, AutoCAD, AutoLISP, Download progeCAD, DWG, Google, Google Earth, great features, IntelliCAD Leave a Comment

Early reports from users who have copies of progeCAD 2010 Professional indicate a home run by progeSOFT with this latest release. Besides users being very pleased with reliability, they have also mentioned the appreciation for the increases in speed not only when using commands inside the IntelliCAD based progeCAD, but also while saving their drawings, which was, in some cases, …

progeCAD 2010 Professional Released, Read Write DWG 2010, Speed Increases, Improved Import from Adobe PDF, Windows 7 Compatible.

progeCAD IntelliCAD"progeCAD 2009 Professional", AutoCAD, CAD, Design Web Format, DWG, IntelliCAD Leave a Comment

Portland, OR, USA – February 4, 2010 – progeCAD United States / iCADsales (, announced today the release of the advanced progeCAD 2010 Professional, built using the IntelliCAD core. progeCAD 2010 Professional natively works with any drawing created with all versions of AutoCAD®, including the earlier versions going back to 1984. The latest release, DWG 2010 is now available as …

Buy progeCAD 2009 Today, Get progeCAD 2010 Tomorrow, FREE!

progeCAD IntelliCADApplications, AutoCAD, Autodesk, AutoLISP, CAD and CAM, Computer-aided design, IntelliCAD, Microsoft Leave a Comment

Image by brandon shigeta via Flickr For release at 12PM Pacific Time – 11/06/09 Buy progeCAD 2009, Get progeCAD 2010 Tomorrow, FREE! Portland, OR, USA – November 6, 2009 – has announced that those purchasing progeCAD 2009 Professional will receive a free upgrade to the next release, progeCAD 2010 Professional, coming soon. Great New Features – Some of the …