A Proven Replacement for AutoCAD 2D/3D DWG Software
…with all the Familiar Icons and Menus
progeCAD is professional ‘AutoCAD’ like software without the monthly subscription. It supports an interface complete with an “AutoCAD® Like” icon menu and “AutoCAD® Like” commands. It has the same file formats, same menus, and commands and at a fraction of the price (a one-time investment instead of a monthly subscription like AutoCAD)…
EasyArch Architectural Plug-in
Enjoy EasyArch, the free add-on for architectural design. Draw Walls, Doors and Windows instead of just lines, arcs and circles.
Express Tools
Use a similar bonus toolset as AutoCAD. Offered FREE without subscription because, well, we’re just like that!
Application Programming Interface (API) Support
Automate your tasks using industry standard API’s, including AutoLISP, SDS (like ADS), IRX (like ARX) and Visual Basic for Applications.
PDF Import
Import PDF into progeCAD, along with Blocks, Layers, Linetypes, etc. All intelligence contained within the PDF is imported into your drawing.
PDF Plotting
Plot to PDF using progeCAD’s plot interface. Use Color Tables (.ctb) or Style Tables (.stb) and Printer Configuration Parameter (.pcp) files from AutoCAD.
What is progeCAD?
To start, it is over $3000 less than AutoCAD…
- progeCAD, powered by IntelliCAD 8.x, is an AutoCAD® Industry compatible 2D/3D CAD application that natively works with AutoCAD® DWG files, from AutoCAD® DWG 2.5 through the latest AutoCAD® DWG format!
- progeCAD’s original format, DWG, ensures a complete compatibility with AutoCAD® WITHOUT ANY FILE CONVERSION and without losing any critical information.
- progeCAD supports an interface complete with an “AutoCAD® Like” icon menu and “AutoCAD® Like” commands.
- progeCAD includes options like PDF & Google Earth KML export, 3D modeling, XREF & DWG block library managers, AutoCAD-style command line with extensions like DIESEL, VBA & AutoLISP, C++ programming and SHX fonts.
- progeCAD is useful for CAD field & concept sketch, electrical schematics, building construction, AEC architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and industrial engineering, carpentry & “as built” drawings, MCAD mechanical layout, home kitchen & bath floor plan, property survey & landscape drawing to ANSI DIN and ISO standards.
- progeCAD includes options like PDF import and PDF print, 3D modeling, XREF & DWG block library managers, AutoCAD-style command line with extensions like VBA & AutoLISP, C++ programming and SHX fonts.
- progeCAD offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT or TurboCAD Pro at a fraction of the price of AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD or Microstation.
progeCAD Professional

I am very happy with progeCAD! After using AutoCAD for a long time I decided to try progeCAD in 2008. I have been happy with progeCAD ever since. ProgeCAD does everything I need for my clients.
– Howard Pennington, ArrowCAD Design Services LLC

All is well with my progeCAD. Some of the nicest software that I've had. Thanks for asking!
– Roy Sparks
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