I really need to get ProgeCad Smart. I am a mechanical engineer and I recently lost my job so I cannot afford to buy software at this time. I am well versed in AutoCad, but of course I cannot afford it. I need to maintain my Cad skills while I am looking for a new job, which will propbably take some time.
I had ProgeCad Smart on my home computer but had to replace the hard drive. Now I cannot get your software to register.
What can you do??? Thanks for any help in this matter.
Image by progecad via Flickr
Rick Ballard
1228 East Choctaw Drive
London, Ohio 43140
Originally posted as a comment by Richard E. Ballard on using Disqus.
As I told Richard, you can usually get help for install problems by going to the progeCAD Smart and progeCAD Trial forums on the progeSOFT website. That goes for anyone using the trial version of the software. There seems to be always someone around there to answer your questions and point you in the right direction. For Richard I believe he probably passed his limit of free installs. I don’t know whether that is one, or 50 but thats probably why he couldnt install. But, I bet if he contacts progeSOFT they would reset his limit. Those folks are just like that. Willing to help, trying to make others lives better.
Which brings me to my point… progeSOFT invented charityware for the express reason of helping people. They started with progeCAD LT back in 2005 and followed up with Smart a few years later. Currently progeCAD Smart users donations go to doctors without borders for Darfur. So, each time someone downloads progeCAD Smart they are asked to give a little to the cause of peace and health for everyone.
progeCAD Smart can be found in the trial downloads area on progeSOFT North America and is free software for non commercial use. Why not go there now, to www., take it for a spin, and download a few dollars while your over there. Wait, let me put a link in here and you can just stay on this site and donate from here…
The original posting is available on our website, perhaps someone out there could steer Richard a new job as well.
When I first heard of the charityware idea I poo pooed it thinking it to be just a marketing gimmick until I ready some of the comments from people who were donating. And I thought, yeah, this is right on, this is how companies are supposed to work.
Here are a few of the comments…
Fantastic “Win Win” concept
What a great way to help people in need
Success to your efforts for humanity !
“donationware licencing” is a good idea; I like that
Now, the problem is that it seems to be stuck at about 1/4 of what their goal. So, why not take a moment right now and donate a few bucks to the cause. You can tell your friends your not as selfish as they think you are!
Free 30-day trial of progeCAD 2009 Professional: Click Here to download…
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