progeCAD Installation


There are some common questions and concerns we’d like to address for new users and valued customers alike. We hope you find this information informative and helpful!

With progeCAD there are a number of different versions to choose from based on your computer’s capability and your specific needs. Simply follow the upgrade link to ensure the compatibility between your computer software and our program. It’s always available to reference on our website to guide you. Here’s the link;

Want to experience the newest version of progeCAD? If you already downloaded and installed progeCAD 2024 Professional you can simply register the trial version without downloading and installing again.

First, locate the correct software type and version that you ordered. This is important because separate versions of progeCAD have serial numbers attached to them. For instance, progeCAD Professional cannot be licensed with a progeCAD NLM Serial Number and visa-versa. Likewise, a serial number from a previous version cannot be used with a newer version.

When you run the progeCAD Downloader you are proposed to specify the target folder. Once the process is completed you can click “Install”, to proceed, or “Open folder”, for the installation files location. Open the folder where the installer is located and make a copy for backup to external media such as a CD or thumb drive.

You’ll need this installer if you ever switch computers or have a hardware failure. Also, be sure to record your serial number for future reference.

As always, we have customer support through email. Follow this link: Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns and speak with a customer representative for the first 30 days after registration (please allow 5 business days for the support agreement to be active.). After 30 days, you can always access free email support at

If you are encountering additional issues past the initial 30 days, we offer a progeCAD yearly subscription called iCARE which includes help desk support, all upgrades and updates, and you can help to specify what features progeSOFT considers adding in the future. You must purchase subscription within 30 days of your purchase of progeCAD. For pricing and purchase information please visit us at:

Additionally, to make things easier and more user friendly there are a few things to know about this site. The progeCAD formatted web pages are exclusively in http format. However, with the current change implemented by Google and other major browers, if you click on a link including a http format, you’ll likely be directed to an error page because they have begun to use https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) formatting. It is important to progeCAD that our users are informed about this change to limit any confusion.

Adjusting your browser settings to download our software is easy.

– [ ] On your computer, open Google Chrome.
– [ ] At the top right, click More Settings.
– [ ] Click Privacy and security Site Settings Pop-ups and redirects.
– [ ] Now, choose the option that you want as your default setting.

Other browsers, besides Chrome that block http formatting, will have similar steps to adjust your settings.

Thank you for choosing progeCAD, and be sure to keep an eye out for future blog posts. We can’t wait to tell you what’s next!