I swear, sometimes I feel like I must be living in a container where no new information enters, and obviously, due to that, no new information leaves. I gave up watching television years ago and therefore I don’t have some big pipeline dumping into my brain every day. However, not being on the cutting edge of what is cool, now, and happening all the time makes some things very cool, very now, very happening for me. Like when I discover something new that begs the questions, how in the hell did they do that? and who thought of doing that?. Almost the same question I suppose.
There is a new… for lack of a better word medium for, well, for artistic enjoyment in it’s pure form, and a whole advertising industry, if we take to it’s logical monetary end. It’s called Architectural 3D Projection Mapping and I am quite positive some of you will really appreciate the possibilities.
If you’ve ever had the chance to see any of the works by Environmental Artists named Christo and Jean Claude you have an understanding of pushing the definition of “Art” beyond the closed in spaces of galleries or even the statue depicting this or that great hero, used as a temporary resting point for pigeons in the park.

I was never a fan of the large expanses of pink plastic they wrapped around some islands in Miami, or the Umbrellas stretching from Japan to California. I just felt like it was simply so easy for anyone to do it that it was not really artistic talent, but a need to be famous. Artist’s to me at that point so many years ago when I was exposed to their type of art was performed by people who were talented in things I was not talented in, such as, well, artistic things, heheh. I can appreciate others views and it was their label and who am I to disagree.
The talent level between one of their “spectacles” and what I discovered recently is the talent that must have been developed not only by the creators of the actual scenes, but the programmers and other “artists” who made the hardware that creates these fantastic shows must be simply tremendous, beyond what is considered normal, and unique as well. 3D Projection Mapping, is, well, think of it as holograms on steroids. It’s taking an Architectural landmark, or even just any old building, and mapping special effects on to the features of the building. That probably is not very clear, and you will have to see it to believe it.
and it has to be one of the most impressive things I have ever seen…
I am sure some of you have seen this new medium before, but even if you have you will probably enjoy seeing it again, and again… I know I will, it is, well, one of the coolest and most impressive things I have ever seen… so without further speech, as it just does not do it just, please take a moment and watch this Architectural 3D projection “concert” for lack of a better term. Let me know what you think in the comments below, I hope it’s not just me who is totally amazed by this… Enjoy!
Architectural 3D Projection Mapping Video
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