We’ve all been there, diving headfirst into a project with new software when we run into a roadblock, not knowing how to get the results we want. Luckily, trouble-shooting is easy in this age of technology. We want our users to find solutions to their creative pursuits and enjoy their experience with our software. That is why we have a YouTube page dedicated to helping you navigate progeCAD software.
If you head to the YouTube page and search for progeSOFT, you’ll find a number of videos to help you with your builds and creations or help you trouble-shoot how to achieve certain things with the features involved. A list of tutorial videos is available as well as What’s New with progeCAD, and videos posted as recently as a month ago.
If you’re looking for general information, even before purchasing, one of our videos covers what progeCAD is and how most of our customers use it. Showcasing that progeCAD operates using .dwg files and is comparable to Autocad, the video takes the user through what programs one can save with, how to convert PDF to .dwg files, as well as features such as; vectorizer, perspective image correction, super hatch command, iCAD lib blocks manager, EasyArch 3D, rendering module, 3D PDF converter, shape files import and PointCloud import.
Visit this link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4hQ8SOweYg
Another popular video dives into the process that one would take to covert files from PDF to DWG, showing the user step-by-step how to achieve this. This allows you to use the conventional progeCAD tools to modify your image. This video also tells the user how to vectorize the image if the files is not converted and able to be modified immediately after conversion.
Visit this link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ykve0TmwJm4
Lastly this video covers 3D modeling with progeCAD software. The ten minute tutorial takes you through the interface of the software, how to create a unique set of functions in your toolbar as well as orientate you to the xyz format your fixed image will follow. The video then takes the user through examples of the three types of 3D models that progeCAD supports; wideframe, surface and solids. The tutorial quickly goes through features, perimeters and advantages of each modeling option.
Visit this link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvT1ggEt0ME