Handy Calculators for those who work with Geometry

progeCAD IntelliCAD"progeCAD 2009 Professional", AutoCAD, Engineer, image georeference, Virtual World Leave a Comment

Found some handy calculators today, can’t remember where I was when I first caught site of them. For those of you who work with geometry (I get a kick out of that statement because practically anyone who uses CAD works with geometry in some way or another all the time, so I could have just said all of you) these calculators from Summit Applications LLC (www.summitapps.com) are available for your iPhone, smartphones, windows mobile, or your windows desktop or laptop pc.

One is the volume calculator which, according to the developer, Area Calculator enables you to quickly determine the area & perimeter of 22 two-dimensional shapes. It is possible to add the shapes together for complex surfaces. The features are numerous and more than I wish to list here but more information is available at the link below. Here’s a screenshot…

They also sport a volume calculator if your a 3D type of person…

The are available at the app store for less than a hamburger: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/area-calculator/id310904430?mt=8

Then there is the civil survey app I came across when I was looking these other two over. According to the developer its made for Calculations such as Pipe Flow, Channel Flow, Vertical Curve, Tangents, Traverse, Area Calculations, etc. I tried to reach the developers site but was take to a mobile me 404 screen so I am not sure if the product is still under development or not. But, for what it’s worth the link to the app store is below. Don’t have a screen shot but it is a far more interesting app to look at than the two above.


So, for the guy or gal who has everything here is their next birthday or Christmas present. Enjoy!

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